Topic: Discuss the relevance/role of Confucianism in the modern world.
The paper needs three parts, please indicate every part with a header
Part 1: Proposal (500 words)
Your proposal needs to cover the following items, but not necessarily in the order as listed.
- Identify the findings in your research on the topic
- Questions that have arisen in your research
- Develop a research question
- Develop a thesis statement (one statement, one or two sentences, that usually answers your research question.)
Here is a link to thesis statements:,the%20war%20or%20the%20novel.
- Outline
- Annotated bibliography (You need to add notes/comments to your bibliography to explain what an article/book is about and how it may be useful to your research.)
- Research log (journal/a record of your research)
- Analyze a single article/book chapter in depth
Part 2: main body of the paper (1500 words)
Part 3: research reflection (500 words)
Your research reflection should include the following:
1) Provide a summary of your research project. Describe the purpose and objectives of your research project and what you have done to achieve your goals.
2) Explain your methodology: did you apply primary research or secondary research or both? Why did you choose the method? Did it work well? Were there difficulties/obstacles? Did you resolve the issue, or is it something that awaits further research?
(Click the link to find the definitions of primary research and secondary research:… ry_research/index.html)
3) Briefly recount your research experience, the process that led to your conclusion or findings, things that have puzzled you in the process of research, unanswered questions, or questions for your future research.
Requirements on the Sources for your Research:
Authoritative and reliable sources are crucial for the success of your research project.
You need to consult three or more current sources that are peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books.
Authoritative academic sources include scholarly journal articles and book chapters, such as the assigned reading materials for this course.
Random Web sources, newspapers, magazines, personal blogs, are not allowed. Examples of authoritative Web sources:;
Requirements on the Formatting:
The formatting of your term paper should be in accord with the convention of scholarly writing. The format should follow the APA formatting. They must:
– Be formatted appropriately (1” margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced, numbered pages)
– Be rigorously checked for spelling and grammar
– Provide citations for all sources and quotations.
– Include a complete bibliography at the end that includes only works you have cited in the paper.
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