MPAN 653 -Master’s Project 1
The submission of a Master’s Project in the form of a Research Paper is a requirement for obtaining the Master’s degree through Touro College. The purpose of the paper is to provide the student with a research and scientific writing experience that demonstrates the student’s ability to search, interpret and evaluate the medical literature in a defined area of medicine, investigate a clinical problem in that defined area, and present the results in written form exhibiting organization, logical consistency and depth of knowledge.SECTION I: FORMATA. The Review of the Medical Literature Format There will be only one acceptable format for the required paper: The Review of Medical Literature Format. This format consists of a review of the current published literature in a defined area of medicine for of explaining, clarifying, summarizing, analyzing or evaluating a topic. For example, the purpose of the paper might be to: trend, process, discovery, method or other activity in medicine. Evaluateapractice,treatment,discovery,method or other activityinmedicine. Clarify the pros and cons of a treatment or practice inmedicine.BDivisionsandHeadingsofthePaperThe paper must have four (4) and onlyfour divisions. Each of the four divisions must be identified with the appropriate heading in the paper. The four divisions are: Introduction, Review of the Literature, Discussion, and Conclusion. A description of each division you, as the writer, must include in the paper follows:1.Introduction: This is a statement of the purpose and scope of the paper. The Introduction sets the toneand gives direction tothepaper.TheIntroduction shouldsupplyanybackgroundtoallowthereader tounderstandyour intent,rationale,andfocus,as wellastheusefulnessof theinformationtothereader.2.Review of the Literature: This is a review of pertinent published medical literature that summarizes, explainsandevaluateseacharticleorpublicationinordertoprovideevidenceand,thus,supportforyourthesis or rationale. Comments about the purpose, rationale, methods, results and implications of each article, study or publication reviewed should be included asappropriate.3.Discussion:Thisisathoughtfulsynthesis,orintegrationandanalysisoftherelationshipsamongthe publications,articles,studiesandotherliteratureyouhavereviewedinordertosupportanddevelopyour explanation, problem, evaluation or position. You should also, at the end of this section, state your conclusionsaboutyourfindingsasaconsequenceofyourreviewoftheliterature.4.Conclusion: This is the last or concluding division of your paper. It should contain: 1) a summaryof your findings, 2) a discussion of the significanceof those findings particularly for patient care, and, 3) a discussionofanytheoreticalorpracticalimplicationsformedicineorpatientcareyourfindingsmayhave.NOTE: Papers not having these four divisions (and only four), with the appropriate headings, will be considered unacceptable.C.Formats NotAcceptableThe following formats are not acceptablefor the research paper:
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